Categoria: Narrativa in lingua straniera
Editore: Berkshire - Corgi edition publisher
Pagine: 444
ISBN: 9780552148528
Biblioteca: Libri per adulti
Anno: 2002
N° catalogo: 2667

Visite: 1225

Stato prestito: Disponibile

Disponibilità: 1/1

Modulo richiesta prestito


Love, tragedy and hope conspire in Paris, when a kiss between two strangers changes everything. Isabelle Forrester is the wife of a Parisian banker who has long since shut her out of his heart. She has one secret pleasure: a long-distance friendship with a man who, like Isabelle, is trapped in a loveless marriage. To Bill Robinson, Isabelle is a kindred spirit. Agreeing to meet for a few precious, innocent days in London, they find their friendship changing, and they exchange their first, searching kiss. Time stands still - and tragedy strikes. A long journey begins - towards healing, hope and dreams of a seemingly impossible future. Isabelle and Bill cling to life. Together they must find the strength not only to embrace the future but to face what they have left behind. 

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